Saturday, December 1, 2012

Virtual essay

In this virtual essay, a native photographer was chosen who names Gregory Colbert; he would be my particular photographer to present some special relationship between animals and people. Gregory Colbert was born in 1960, and he is the native in Toronto. He is best known as the artworks Ashes and Snow. Gregory Colbert is an interesting person; he did not have any art exhibition before 1992. Almost nobody knew him except few millionaires supported him for providing assistant. However, since Ashes and Snow was started in 1992; Gregory Colbert has already finished 27 journeys for taking photographic and filming expeditions to many locations such as India, Egypt, Namibia, Kenya, Sri Lanka and other districts and countries. He tries to spend 25 years to collaborating with 60 different animals.

The main roles of Ashes and Snow are people and lots of different animals which include elephants, whales, leopards, eagles, orangutans and other kinds of wild animals. Gregory Colbert sees himself as an apprentice to nature. His arts are collaborations between humans and other species that present the poetic sensibilities and imagination of human and animal.
Gregory Colbert

“In exploring the shared language and poetic sensibilities of all animals, I am working towards rediscovering the common ground that once existed when people lived in harmony with animals. The images depict a world that is without beginning or end, here or there, past or present” were written by Gregory Colbert for Creator of Ashes and Snow. (Copied from Gregory Colbert’s website)

The photographic artworks of Gregory Colbert explore the poetic sensibilities of animals in their natural habitat as they interact with human beings. No longer shown as merely a member of the family of man, humans are seen as a member of the family of animals. None of the images have been digitally collaged. (Copied from Gregory Colbert’s website)

I took some photos for completing this essay. A young husky named Mocha is my main role of my arts at this time. Because husky is really naughty so that I took over 40 photos. Finally I pick 5 photos that I think these are best of all photos. Gregory Colbert did not edit all photos, but I don’t have that skill to take all pictures in that kind of light. The first photo that followed is without any edit. Other 4 photos are edited for looking similar as Gregory Colbert’s artworks. The process that I edited is: cut it to a correct size first, then I just adjust brightness, hue, and saturation to make my photos look like the result of Gregory Colbert’s. In addition, I did not turn the flashing light when I shooting, I thought flashing light would attract Mocha and make photos are too bright.

photograph by Gregory Colbert
photograph by Yuchen Zhu

This picture shows an elephant lies on the ground (I believe the elephant was lying on the ground rather than the elephant is kneeing on the ground), and listen the child while he was reading. Of course, the elephant cannot understand what the kid was reading, but the elephant looks very comfortable and relax; I think the elephant would not feel dangerous or nervous when it faced the child. A peaceful relationship between the kid and the elephant, I would like to believe it is a emotional communication. So, when I took a photo, Mocha sat opposite to me, and focused on me. I believe in that moment, Mocha knew my heart which was I wanted she had a good move to collaborate me for photography. 

photograph by Gregory Colbert
photograph by Yuchen Zhu

Gregory Colbert shot a close-up for a leopard and the kid. Usually, leopard is a kind of predator in the wild. However, in this picture, the leopard and kid are in a harmonious sense. They just look like friend. In my photo, I held mocha’s leg (she is too young to reach the height) then it can keep balance, she used her cute eyes to look at me. I think she try to play a game with me as my friend.

photograph by Gregory Colbert
photograph by Yuchen Zhu

photograph by Yuchen Zhu

 This kid stood in front of a well. This is the only picture without any animals. The environment makes me feel alone and silent. Then, I took a photo when I stood in a corridor. I tried to create a similar environment as the original picture.

photograph by Gregory Colbert
photograph by Yuchen Zhu

This picture is just opposite as the first picture which is an elephant listens the kid. This kid sat down on the ground and listened a whelk at the same moment. In fact, whelk cannot make any sound, but the child heard a creature which cannot talk. They can only use emotional communication to talk and hear each other. Although I don’t think there are some wild live whelks in that place where Gregory Colbert took this art, I still don’t eliminate this possibility that the whelk was a live whelk. So, I took my photo with an egg. Egg is the original form of chicken. If there is germ cell in the egg, egg can be hatched. If that egg has germ cell, I would consider that egg is specie alive. I almost can hear it tell me about the life if it can be hatch to a chicken by emotional communication.

In conclusion, I think Gregory Colbert is a really amazing photographer. He focuses on the commutations are from psychology. His artworks attract me and let understand a special relationship between animals and people. And I took few photos in his style, although the light is different, I could adjust photos to make those look like similar.


Thank you for reading; I’d like to hear your suggestions.
This course makes me knows lots of history and style of photography and photographers. It is an interesting course. Thank you instructor again.

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