Friday, November 16, 2012

Week 11: Kertesz and Cartier-Bresson versus Smith and Salgado

1. What are the main differences and similarities? Differences: Andre Kertesz focused on catching event rather than the real image. People could see lots of message that he tried to transport the stories of his pictures. Andre Kertesz needed to be invisible as his consideration that he wanted to show the last thing of widow and soldier after death.

Henri Cartier-Bresson believed that a photographer could not damage the sense of event. He showed his images that the roles of his focusing were nature; they did not know they were the main point of his photo or in that moment. He wanted show the true feeling and emotion of the event.

By: Andre Kertesz 
By:Henri Cartier-Bresson 

Eugene Smith and Sebastio Salgado did edit for the final image. They changed the composition of the photo and reality. The edition always has a huge effect about the consequence. Feeling and emotions still as same as the original event

By: Eugene Smith
By: Sebastião Salgado

Similarities: All of these photographers used black and white. And because they lived in some years were same, the stories were war, soldiers, environment of the events were same in some ways. They could tell all the clear emotions that they wanted to show with their experience. Their photography is story.

2. What’s the better journalistic approach?

As my consideration, it is excellent that a photographer that do not control the true event, although nowadays, edition are common way to make to photograph better, edition cannot change the real feeling from photographer’s emotion. A photo should be that sense which photographer tried to present from heart. When people trust the story of the photo, which the truth and best answer for photographer.


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