Saturday, September 22, 2012

Can art be mechanically reproduced?

-When something is reproduced for so many times is that art? What's the importance of the mechanical reproducibility of the art? What was the impact on mechanical reproducibility on the society?
As my consideration, reproduction is still an art, even it has some flaw or it just looks like the original art, I always think that everything is art in some way. Everyone has different considerations of what’s art. Just like I could not understand why people said Picasso’s paints are arts few years ago, but now I know, different minds cause different arts.
I think that the most importance of the mechanical reproducibility is it can protect the original art in some way. I still remember that there is scenario of the movie “2012”, when the end of the world, the officer of Louvre museum use a perfect mechanical reproduction of Mona Lisa for cover the evidence of the real one has already transported to other place.
The impact of mechanical reproducibility on the society is there are all fake arts everywhere. I think that this skill just decrease the value of original art sometimes.

- Is photography art or contribution to the art? Is it just a tool used by artists?
Photography is definitely a form of art and it’s still a contribution to the art. Before photography on human history, people only can use hands to drawing something. However, when people were drawing, the mind of them in that time might change the reality that they draw. So, photography is the most reliable art all the time, it just show the truth if without any edit after shooting. 

- How and why Henry Pitch Robinson created Feading Away? What was the reason?
Combination printing uses 5 negative to combines together into one photograph is called Feading away. The reason why he created it was he found sometimes the truth is too painful. And this technology just could make the truth more happy and lead people become optimists.

- Photography has impacted the world of art and influenced some changes in the area of accessibility to art. If mechanical reproduction created revolution, what is happening now with the digitalization?
Recently, people could edit photos more simply because of the development of digitization. The impact has both positive and negative hands. The advantage is people can use digitization to change the photo in their own opinion. However, the disadvantage is digitization make people have to doubt the truth sometimes.

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